Hi everyone! Summer is just around the corner, and I know how important it is to stay focused on your health and fitness goals. As a fitness professional and enthusiast myself, I understand the struggles and temptations that can happen during summer as I know some of you are off (teachers) and  some of you have kids at home.  With a bit of guidance and a little motivation, you can stay committed and make this summer your healthiest and most vibrant one yet. Join me, as I share my top tips for staying on track and achieving your fitness goals this summer.

Set Realistic Goals:
First things first, set goals that truly resonate with you. Take a moment to reflect on what you want to achieve this summer and why it matters to you. Are you looking to boost your energy levels, feel more confident in your bathing suit, or simply improve your overall health? Be specific, realistic, and consider your current fitness level. Remember, your goals are unique to you, and they should inspire and excite you on your fitness journey.
Craft a Fitness Plan:
Creating a customized fitness plan is key to staying on track. Take into account your lifestyle, and schedule. Choose activities that bring you joy and make you feel alive. Whether it’s dancing, swimming, hiking or anything that brings you joy. If you’re local, join us at the studio for classes, we offer in person or online.
Find Accountably.
Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can make all the difference in staying committed. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for health and fitness. Sign up for workout challenges, accountability groups, or even reach out to friends or family members who are also working towards their fitness goals. Together, you can uplift and motivate one another, celebrating victories and overcoming obstacles as a team.
Nourish Your Body
Remember, fitness is not just about exercise—it’s also about eating healthy.  Fill your plate with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods that make you feel energized and vibrant. Experiment with seasonal fruits and vegetables, and try new healthy recipes. Treat yourself occasionally, but aim for a diet that supports your goals and leaves you feeling nourished.
Embrace the Joy of Movement:
Summer is beautiful in the valley. Take advantage of the warm weather by exploring nature and engaging in outdoor activities. Go for a bike ride, take a sunset walk.  The key is to find joy in movement and appreciate the wonder of nature.

Celebrate Small Victories:
Don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate your progress along the way. Set small milestones and reward yourself when you achieve them. Treat yourself to a spa day, a new workout outfit, or a small shopping spree. Celebrating your accomplishments reinforces your dedication and boosts your motivation to continue working towards your goals.
Prioritize Self-Care:
Lastly, remember that self-care is an important part of any successful fitness journey. Listen to your body and give yourself permission to rest when needed. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress, such as practicing yoga, meditating, or enjoying a soothing bath. By prioritizing self-care, you nourish not only your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional health.

Fun challenge to do during the holidays! Do the first exercise and add on!

Start with running or walking forward and back.  Do that again then add 2 Burpees. Go back to the top and start with run or walk forward and back, 2 Burpees then add 3 sets of Lunges. Keep doing this until you get to 10 High Knees. To add a challenge go backwards from 10 High Knees and reverse it untiil you get to number one.

This is great challenge for the mind and the body. Try it and let me know!

What if we finished the year as intentionally with our health as we usually start the first 30 days of the new year? Join me for Sober October where we focus on eliminating and increasing  something to clean up your body, mind and spirit.

What can you eliminate that does not serve you? What do you need to add?

Home of the Free…because of the brave. Each year on Memorial Day, athletes from all across the country participate this weekend in this challenge to honor this fallen soldier, Michael Murphy.

It was the favorite workout of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005 at the young age of 29.

He awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death.

Murph workout itself consists of a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another one-mile run, all done consecutively.

This Hero WOD first appeared in CrossFit in 2005 and is usually performed on Memorial day.





I have a modified version for you.

Why Modified?

The Murph is a great workout. and is a great test of your stamina and endurance. For that reason it is often used in Crossfit Games.

However it may not be suitable for everyone.


Here is your option:

Start with:

8 Minute Jog or Jumpropes

10 Rounds total:

10 Presses with dumbbells

20 Push Ups

30 Squats

Finish with:

8 min Jog or jumprope 


On Monday, Memorial Day we challenge you to get outside and do the Murph Challenge. Post your pictures and tag us! We want to see the most creative picture! Use hashtag #fitwarriorsvisalia

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is a time to highlight the importance of staying active through fitness activities. Celebrate with “movement” by promoting the importance of 60 minutes per day of physical activity for kids (and 30 minutes per day for adults).

Pandemic has shown all of us how important it is to stay on top of our health so this simple challenge for the month of May will ensure that you move your body every day and build your strength. Your goal is to exercise 31 minutes a day for 31 days. Take a fitness class, exercise at home, ride your bike,  run or walk. You choose!!
Get healthy, get strong and watch your progress improve every day!!
Feel free to invite your friends to this challenge and post your pictures, your results because you may inspire others to get moving!
Need a kickstart?
Join us on Saturday, May 1st live or virtual at 7:30am for National Fitness Day for a Cinco de Mayo Fitness Mash Up! All ages and all levels welcome!
F.I.T. Warriors Studio
1525 S. Mooney
Visalia, Ca 93277


The last 8 months during pandemic have made us all more aware of how important it is to stay on top of our health. This simple challenge for the month of November will ensure that you move your body every day and build your strength. You can walk it or run it, it’s up to you, preferably outdoors! For push ups you can do them on your toes, on your knees, on the wall. Just get creative and watch your progress improve every day!!
This challenge is to commit to walking or running one mile per day and only 20 push ups!! . If you are walking it should take you about 20 minutes or less and running times will be even shorter than that. Simply moving your body is a great way to get the circulation pumping and clear your mind! You could listen to your favorite music, podcast, audiobook, or fitness app …. or just enjoy the sights and sounds of spring by yourself or with a partner (practicing social distancing of course!) ! Feel free to invite your friends to this challenge and post your pictures, your results because you may inspire others to get moving!

Squatober is a month-long celebration of everything Squat. It’s a pre-programmed month where Squats are done. Monday through Saturday of every week. Sunday is the day of rest.

Squatting every day, or in the case of Squatober, almost every day can be highly beneficial. But, like anything, how you go about squatting that often is very important.

What is the challenge?

21 days of Squat variations

31 Squats every day

Post on your social media




Are you in?