Commit to your health!

The last 8 months during pandemic have made us all more aware of how important it is to stay on top of our health. This simple challenge for the month of November will ensure that you move your body every day and build your strength. You can walk it or run it, it’s up to you, preferably outdoors! For push ups you can do them on your toes, on your knees, on the wall. Just get creative and watch your progress improve every day!!
This challenge is to commit to walking or running one mile per day and only 20 push ups!! . If you are walking it should take you about 20 minutes or less and running times will be even shorter than that. Simply moving your body is a great way to get the circulation pumping and clear your mind! You could listen to your favorite music, podcast, audiobook, or fitness app …. or just enjoy the sights and sounds of spring by yourself or with a partner (practicing social distancing of course!) ! Feel free to invite your friends to this challenge and post your pictures, your results because you may inspire others to get moving!